Evidence shows that green cleaning products and techniques offer numerous benefits and advantages to the environment and our quality of life. Here are five simple reasons why you should use green cleaning products:
- Going Green is Healthier for you.. Studies have shown that using a household cleaning spray, for as little as once a week, raises the risk of developing asthma. The Mayo Clinic Web site (mayoclinic.com) lists 16 professions at risk for occupational asthma.
- Better Air Quality.. The EPA has said that problems related to poor air quality lead to increases in illness, fatigue and respiratory problems. Many green cleaning products — including store bought and ones you can make at home include pleasant natural essential oils and all natural cleaning products that pose very little harm to the air.
- Reduced Employee Sicknesses.. Companies that invest in greener cleaning products are making better choices to help reduce the number of sick days their employees might take.
- Safer Products.. Green cleaners are normally not corrosive and are subject to strict standards under the FDA. Greener cleaning products can also reduce chemical and fire exposure risks too.
- No need for antibacterial anymore.. The American Medical Association(AMA) says that the frequent use of antibacterial ingredients can promote bacterial resistance to antibiotics. I’ve even heard of doctors warning against antibacterial soaps due to damage to the thyroid gland later on in life. Many green and environmentally friendly cleaning products are free of these antibacterial agents.
You can improve human health and the environment by using greener products and services!